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Toppers strategy for CAT exam preparation

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The number of candidates giving CAT will be approximately 2.5 lakh in 2017. Preparing CAT Exam requires good strategy to crack CAT Exam. We are providing you the Topper’s strategy to prepare for CAT which will show you the path to crack CAT Exam.“With discipline, dedication and diligence, you will achieve the goal.” Here is a list of steps of topper’s strategy which will help for your CAT preparation: Step 1 : Know about the CAT Examination The CAT Exam is a single paper online examination of three hours, with 100 questions,3 marks are assigned for ‘correct answer’ ,an ‘incorrect answer’ fetches 1 mark and no marks are given for unattempted questions. The question paper will consists of multiple choice questions. Step 2 : Know the Syllabus & Weightage of each subject Since there are many subjects included in the syllabus, it is important that you should observe complete syllabus. Match your knowledge with the CAT syllabus and plan your preparation with known subjects. Know Weightage for each subject based on previous year papers and target your preparation to carry more marks in CAT exam. Step 3 : Select Good Books & Materials for CAT preparation Selections of good study materials and books are very important at initial stages of CAT Preparations. Reading one or two books are sufficient for each subject. Always give first priority for reading from book rather than other resources. You may prepare with online video lecture, course material, coaching notes, etc. You can also prepare the books that you have followed during undergraduate course. Step 4 : Tips to remember and follow during preparation Understand the previous year questions pattern Practice previous year questions during preparation Try to understand the concepts, practice tests and revise regularly. Most of the questions in CAT are conceptual & numerical, so you must try to improve your solving ability & time management to score a good rank. Step 5 : Plan your CAT preparation 4 to 8 months preparation plan will be good idea to crack the CAT exam. Create the preparation plan daily wise or weekly wise by giving enough time for each subject. Your plan should include syllabus completion, revision, and practicing tests. It is a good idea to make a time table and formulate your daily tasks. Once you have set daily, weekly and monthly targets, you will see better results for the same amount of effort. Step 6 : Follow the plan to complete the syllabus First step in the preparation is to start with easy subject and important one. Toppers suggestion is to begin with mathematics and one basic technical subject. Read topic by topic to complete entire subject. Make a revision notes for each topic that should cover all important definition, formulas, differences, etc. Practice topic wise previous CAT questions after understanding the each topic. Attempt the quizzes/tests for each topic and subject to know your performance. Clear all your doubts during your preparation. Discuss your doubts on “CETKING” classes and Practice quizzes/tests to compare the performance with others. Identify the weakness areas while practicing quizzes/tests and try to revise and practice those topics. Step 7 : Revise the CAT preparation It is not just sufficient enough to prepare revision notes, but also to revise them regularly. Read the revision notes on a weekly basis to recall the concepts of prepared subjects. Each time you revise the same topic/subject, your revision time will reduce to recall the concepts. Step 8 : Practice the Mock Tests You can practice the mock tests in two ways. One is self practice on daily basis, and other is attempting online mock tests. Practice the mock tests to improve the performance. Performance depends on how much time devoted to answer each question and how many questions are answered correctly. Step 9 : Revise and Practice in the last stage Finally, you should give time for both revision and practicing. Practice more tests, identify the weaker topics in each test and revise them. You can practice 2 to 3 tests on every day basis and recall all concepts during your practice. Your confidence will be increased day by day of this stage. Step 10 : Last minute strategy for CAT Exam During last two days you are no need to study any new topics. During these two days, focus on revising the concepts. Be ready with your examination admit card and know your centre before the exam day. “CETKING” will share all good resources/ notes / quizzes / tests / Articles required for CAT aspirants. Keep on discussing all your doubts, and share your notes with others to discuss more actively on “CETKING GROUP”. “You may encounter many disappointments. Be strong. Tell yourself, “I am good enough, I will try again.”

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