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1 Month prep = 98.45% in MBA CET

Success Story

Rutvik Giri embarked on his MBA-CET journey after taking a gap year, determined to pursue a new academic goal. With just one month of focused preparation, he dedicated himself to studying for eight hours daily, a testament to his perseverance and commitment. Rutvik found valuable support in Ck’s books and YouTube videos, which became his go-to resources throughout this intense period.

Despite the short preparation time, Rutvik managed to take five mock tests, starting with a score of 80 and improving significantly to a final score of 97. This steady progress was a source of motivation, reflecting his hard work and the effectiveness of his study strategy. The exam itself felt comparatively easier than the GATE exam, a challenge Rutvik had previously faced, which gave him a boost of confidence.

One of his best memories during this preparation was the realization that the exam wasn’t as daunting as he had anticipated, providing a sense of relief and accomplishment. While there weren’t any notably bad memories during his MBA prep, Rutvik’s journey was marked by resilience, strategic learning, and the satisfaction of overcoming a significant academic hurdle with a percentile of 98.45.

NameRutvik Giri
Phone Number7066948460
College Student / Gap Year / Working?Gap Year
Months of Prep1
Hours of Prep Daily8
How Ck HelpedCk books and YouTube videos
Number of Mocks5
First Mock Score80
Last Mock Score97
Best Memory During MBA PrepComparatively easy than GATE exam 😄
Worst Memory During MBA PrepNo as such..

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Success Story

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