1) P is 9 m to the south of K. K is 5 m to the east of H. H is 4 m to the north of B. L is 3 m west of B. D is 7 m south of L. G is 8 m east of D. If point Z is 5 m to the west of point P, then what is the distance between B and Z?
A. 8 m
B. 9 m
C. 5 m
D. 2 m
E. 6 m
Correct Option: C

HZ = PK = 9 m
∴ BZ = HZ – BH = 9 – 4 = 5 m
Hence, option C is correct.
2) P is 9 m to the south of K. K is 5 m to the east of H. H is 4 m to the north of B. L is 3 m west of B. D is 7 m south of L. G is 8 m east of D. How far and in which direction is point K from Point G?
A. 11 m to the south
B .7 m to the north
C. 11 m to the north
D. 7 m to the south
E. 11 m to the west
Correct option- C

∴ KG = 4 + 7 = 11 m.
Hence, option C is correct.
3) The door of B’s house faces east. From the back side of his house, B walks straight 50 m. Again he walks 25m after turning to his left, then he turns to his right and walks 50m. Finally he turns towards north and walks 25m and stops. What is the distance between the starting and the end point?
A. 80 m
B. 100 m
C. 150 m
D. 120 m
E. None of these
Correct answer-B

We can clearly observe from figure that the distance between starting point to end point (B to T) is 50m + 50m = 100m.
4) ) One day Ravi left home and cycled 10 km south wards, turned right and cycled 5 km and turned right and cycled 10 km and turned left and cycled 10 km. how many kilometers will he have to cycle to reach his home straight ?
A. 10 km
B. 15 km
C. 20 km
D. 25 km
E. None of these
Correct answer- C

Clearly, Ravi starts from home at A, moves 10 km south wards up to B, turns right and moves
and 5 km up to C, turns right again and moves 10 km up to D and finally turns left and moves 10
km up to E.
Thus his distance from initial position A = AE + DE = BC + DE = (5 + 10) km = 15 km
Hence, option B is correct.
5) Kunal walks 10 km towards North. From there he walks 6 km towards South. Then, he walks 3 km towards East. How far and in which direction is he with reference to his starting point?
A. 5 km West
B. 7 km West
C. 7 km East
D. 5 km North-east
E. None of these
Option D

Clearly, Kunal moves from A 10 km north-wards up to B, then moves 6 km southwards up to C,
turns towards East and walks 3 km up to D. Then, AC = (AB – BC) = (10 – 6) = 4 km. So, Kunal’s
distance from the starting point A.
Also, D is to the North-east of A.
Hence, option D is correct