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Linear arrangements in reasoning Set 11

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Linear arrangements in reasoning Set 11
In a school, Seven friends – M, V, K, D, T, J and R are standing facing to east in a particular order. Each of these seven friends are studying in different classes- IIIrd. IVth, Vth, VIth, VIIth, VIIIth and IXth standards. Each of them has different favourite colours- yellow, blue, red, white, black, green, and violet.
J likes red and studies in Class Vth.

K which is third to the left of V, is at one end.
R likes violet and studies in class IIIrd.
D car is between V and J.
M studies in Class VIIIth and does not like green and yellow.
K likes white and does not study in VIIth and in IVth.
R is fourth to the right of K.
D studies in VIth and likes black.
M is next to right of R.
T does not study in IVth. V does not like green.
seven friends studying in different classes- IIIrd. IVth, Vth, VIth, VIIth, VIIIth and IXth standards
1. Which of the cars are on both the sides of M car ?
V and D
D and K
R and T
V and R
Answer: Option C

2. Which of the following statement is correct ?
D is next left of V.
J is next left of K.
J is at one end.
K is next second to the right of D.
Answer: Option A

3. Which one of the following statements is correct ? (
R car is in between V and K.
M is next left to T car.
R is next right of M.
D is fourth right of T.
Answer: Option B

4. Which of the following groups of cars is to the right of V ?
M, R and D
T, M and R
D, J and K
J, M and R
Answer: Option B

5. Which one of the following is the correct position of T ?
Next to the left of M
Next to the left of J
Between J and R
Fourth to the right of D.

Answer: Option D

circular sitting arrangement reasoning set11

Practice all 11 sets of advance level Sitting arrangement questions
Set 1 circular seating arrangement facing outside
Set 2 circular sitting arrangement reasoning tricks
Set 3 circular seating arrangement problems
Set 4 sitting arrangement reasoning bank po shortcuts
Set 5 circular arrangement reasoning tricks
Set 6 reasoning sitting arrangement tips
Set 7 Circular sitting arrangement shortcut tricks
Set 8 how to solve seating arrangement reasoning bank po
Set 9 circular seating arrangement problems with solutions
Set 10 Linear reasoning seating arrangement tricks
Set 11 Linear seating arrangement tricks

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