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Things to remember for Circular arrangements in reasoning Set 9




Things to remember for Circular arrangements in reasoning Set 9Circular arrangement involves seating of a group of persons around a circular/round table or arrangement of some items forming a circle.
Things to keep in mind:
If “A is sitting adjacent to B” – A is either on left side OR on right side of B, i.e. we need to consider all the possible cases of arrangement.
If B is neighbour to both A & C, it means B sits b/w A & C, but A & C can be at either sides of B. So while solving such problems, we need to consider both cases where A is to the left of B and C is to the right of B ; and A is to the right of B and C is to the left of B.
While solving such questions, one must keep in mind the direction in which the people are facing (towards or away from the center)
L – Left. R – Right

Circular arrangements in reasoning Set 9

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.
Eight Professors A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circle with 5 of them facing at the centre. Professors are engaged in evaluation of answer papers in three different subjects English, Mathematics and History. At least two persons evaluate the papers in each subject except one professor who is not evaluating any paper. Each of the evaluators stay in different buildings P, Q R, S, T, V, W & Z not necessarily in the same order.
C is to the immediate right of A who is 4th to the right of D. arrangement puzzle mbacet ibps
E is 2nd to the left of A and is 4th to the right of G.
F is 2nd to the right of B who is 2nd to the right of H.
A faces centre and evaluates English papers only with E and stays in building R.
D stays in building W and does not evaluate Maths papers.
The one who stays in building V evaluates History papers.
B and C do not evaluate the papers in the same subject.
Those who evaluate English papers do not stay in building Q.
F stays in building P but does not evaluate History papers.
G evaluates same papers as F. C stays in building T.
H stays in building Z. A and F faces opposite direction. B, G, D faces same direction. E and C faces same direction.

Q1. Who is 3rd to the right of A?
a) G b) C c) D
d) H e) None of these

Q2. Which of the following represents the immediate neighbours of D? (
a) E and F b) D and H c) E and H
d) D and F e) E and D

Q3. Who is 3rd to the right of G?
a) E b) B c) D
d) F e) Data inadequate

Q4. Who is 2nd to the left of E?
a) B b) H c) D
d) Data inadequate e) None of these

Q5. Who is to the immediate left of A?
a) F b) E c) G
d) Data inadequate e) None of these


Q7. Who stays in building V?
(a) E
(b) F
(c) G
(d) B
(e) None of these

Q8. Which of the following combinations of subject, person and buildings is definitely correct?
(a) Maths- F-Q
(b) Maths -G-Q
(c) History- D-T
(d) History -E-S
(e) None of these

Q9.Which of the following groups of persons evaluate the Mathematics paper ?
(a) CF
(b) EFG
(c) CFG
(d) FG
(e) None of these

Q10. Papers in which subject are evaluated by D ?
(a) History
(b) Maths
(c) English
(d) English or Mathematics
(e) History or Mathematics

Q11. E stays in which building?
(a) P
(b) Q
(c) T
(d) Cannot be determined
(e) None of these

Answer 1. (Option D)
Answer 2. (Option E)
Answer 3. (Option B)
Answer 4. (Option C)
Answer 5. (Option A)

Facing centre: A, D, G, B, H

circular sitting arrangement reasoning Set9

Practice all 11 sets of advance level Sitting arrangement questions
Set 1 circular seating arrangement facing outside
Set 2 circular sitting arrangement reasoning tricks
Set 3 circular seating arrangement problems
Set 4 sitting arrangement reasoning bank po shortcuts
Set 5 circular arrangement reasoning tricks
Set 6 reasoning sitting arrangement tips
Set 7 Circular sitting arrangement shortcut tricks
Set 8 how to solve seating arrangement reasoning bank po
Set 9 circular seating arrangement problems with solutions
Set 10 Linear reasoning seating arrangement tricks
Set 11 Linear seating arrangement tricks

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