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20 must do essay writing topics



XAT Exam

Essay writing: The Game Changer.
Essay writing is one of the most crucial aspect of selection especially for the exams like Xat & Micat. This is one of best way for colleges to judge the potential of the candidate and pick them as per their requirements. ( Here are some of the keys of Essays.

Why Essays?

* It proves the creativity of the student.
* Amount of knowledge they have on a particular subject.
* How powerful and accurate their take is on that affair.
* Do they have the quality to indulge people.
* How honest and focused the student is.

Ticks or Do’s of an Essay
– Keep in crisp and to the point.
– Should reflect your personality.
– Be comfortable with what you are writing.
– Make it interesting and lively.
– Play smart and write only what you are a 100% sure off.
– Add real statistics & examples.
– Add real and inspirational stories relating to the topic.
– Write something that you would wanna read.


-Lengthy and vague writing.
-Unreal examples.
-Grammatical errors.

These are 20 must do essays to improve your writing skills.

1) Impact of Digital Marketing.

2) The 80/20 Rule.

3) Self Discipline is Over Rated.

4) The Story of Bullshit.

5) Define your startup

6) Passion or Paycheck.

7) India: The Modi Way.

8) Materialism breeds unhappiness.

9) Why Disappointment is Good.

10) Absence of Social Media.essay

11) Depreciation of Indian Rupee Good?

12) How Important is Goodwill?

13) No room for ‘I’ in Teamwork.

14) If you were Sundar Pichai for A day.

15) Role of Execution in Plan.

16) MNC or Indian Company.

17) Overcoming Unemployment in India.

18) Impact of Communication.

19) Reservation System: Good or Bad?

20) Net Neutrality

Essays are all about who you are or who you want them to know you are. So play smart. ; )

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XAT Exam

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