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5 Tips to get the maximum marks in Reasoning Section!

CAT Exam
Do you plan your reasoning section?” I’m sure most of you spend a lot of time practicing reasoning questions, from puzzles to logical deductions.  But how many of you attempt all questions? What? Reasoning is tough? Lengthy? Not Really! Reasoning questions are easy and the ones we think are tough actually need some more time to straighten them out. Maths can be called tough, English can also be said to be tough, G.A. is tough and luck…but Reasoning is easy and it needs to be fully attempted! Here is how you can do it! 1.Two Types: Two types of reasoning problems, namely, Less time taking ones and more time taking ones! The less time taking ones are syllogisms, blood relations, inequalities, directions, data sufficiency questions of reasoning, rows and verbal logical deductions. These questions should normally take between 20-60 seconds each…these should be done that fast! But we usually end up taking a minimum of 60 seconds…practice people! More practice! The more time taking ones are the seating arrangements of the toughest kind, the puzzles, machine input/output, and the very extra long question on who should get the job! These time consuming questions may take anywhere between 1-5 minutes or sometimes even more minutes depending upon the difficulty level and/or your luck! 2. Methodical Manner: The most important and first step in solving an LR problem is to write down all of the information given in a box, table or diagram e.g. if the problem involves seating arrangements at a round table, always draw the table first and then try various permutations and combinations of people seated around it. Once you have drawn the figure for the problem, you are free to think with a clear mind. LR problems usually contain several statements which serve as clues to solving the problem. Thus, the problem should always be attempted in a methodical manner, and solved step-by-step, because trying to look at all the information at once will confuse even the best of us. 3. Easy Comes First: Easy comes first: Difficult later! With regards to the more time taking ones, I’d say, input output  are still easier than the rest, as they are mostly logical, in the sense identify the pattern and solve step wise. This question is a sure 5 marks!  The seating arrangements (the complicated ones), the row arrangements (the complicated ones), and the puzzles (the complicated ones) all depend on how fast you’ve solved those easy questions. Because these questions take a lot of time, and sometimes you are not even able to solve them! 4.Problem Selection: CAT Logical Reasoning problems are usually ‘all-or-nothing’ type, in the sense that if you crack the problem you will have answers to all the questions that follow, and if you don’t you will not be able to answer even a single question. This is because if the logic to the problem is known to you, the questions that follow can get solved. Hence, proper selection of problems to solve first is even more crucial here than in DI. Often, students fail to solve a problem after investing 10-15 minutes on it. Since the information they have at the end of that time is not much more than that at the beginning, they cannot answer even a single question in the set and have nothing to show for their effort. Problem-selection is tricky, so if you find that you are unable to solve it after the first 5 minutes, do the smart thing and switch to another set of the section. Although, you should be very wise in your decision of leaving the question as you can always come back later on the question if you have the time but once you switch the section, you can’t come back to it again. Therefore, for each aspirant, to Attempt or not to attempt is the main quest. 5.Create Your Own Style: Create your own style of solving puzzles. Do not go blindly by any methods. Every individual has their own way of thinking; utilize what is your forte already – your own mind. For example, one can solve the blood relations questions in mind in max 10 seconds by applying the relations given in the question to the family! That’s one style of solving question. You can find yours! Practice More and Be Logical! Best of luck and May the power be with you!

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CAT Exam

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