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Parallel Reasoning 10 must solve questions

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10 Parallel Reasoning questions in MBA CET.

Question 1:

A study found that children who read books daily perform better in school than those who do not. Therefore, reading books daily is the primary reason for academic success.

Which of the following arguments is most similar in its reasoning?

(A) Students who practice math problems daily tend to score higher on math tests. Thus, practicing math problems is the main factor in achieving high scores.
(B) Some children who read books daily also enjoy storytelling. Hence, storytelling improves academic performance.
(C) Many students who play musical instruments are good at math, so playing an instrument must improve mathematical ability.
(D) A study found that children who eat breakfast tend to perform better in school. Therefore, eating breakfast is the only determinant of academic success.
(E) People who exercise regularly tend to have a lower risk of heart disease. Thus, exercise is the only factor in heart disease prevention.

Question 2:

A company’s new advertising campaign led to a significant increase in sales. Therefore, the campaign was the direct cause of the increase.

Which of the following best parallels the reasoning above?

(A) A student who studied regularly scored well on the exam. Thus, studying was the only factor in the high score.
(B) A restaurant introduced a new menu, and customer visits increased. Hence, the menu change caused the increase.
(C) A scientist discovered a new drug, and a disease was cured. Thus, the scientist’s discovery is the only cure.
(D) A new law was passed, and crime rates dropped. Therefore, the law was the only reason for the decline in crime.
(E) A city experienced more tourists after a major festival. Hence, the festival was the only factor affecting tourism.

Question 3:

If a person works hard, they are more likely to succeed. Mark has worked hard, so he will definitely succeed.

Which argument follows the same reasoning?

(A) If a car is well-maintained, it lasts longer. Mike maintains his car, so it will last forever.
(B) If a person exercises, they stay fit. John exercises, so he must be fit.
(C) If a student studies, they improve their grades. Sara studied, so her grades must have improved.
(D) If a company innovates, it becomes successful. XYZ Corp innovates, so it is guaranteed success.
(E) If an athlete practices, they perform well. Jake practiced, so he must have won his race.

Question 4:

Whenever it rains, the roads get wet. The roads are wet, so it must have rained.

Which argument follows the same pattern of reasoning?

(A) If a car is out of fuel, it won’t start. John’s car won’t start, so it must be out of fuel.
(B) If a student studies hard, they pass exams. Mark passed his exam, so he must have studied hard.
(C) If a person eats well, they stay healthy. Tom is healthy, so he must be eating well.
(D) If an engine overheats, the car stops running. The car has stopped running, so the engine must have overheated.
(E) If a fire alarm rings, there is a fire. The fire alarm rang, so there must be a fire.

Question 5:

Doctors who specialize in cardiology earn high salaries. Dr. Smith is a cardiologist, so he must earn a high salary.

Which of the following follows the same reasoning?

(A) All professional athletes train hard. John is a professional athlete, so he must train hard.
(B) Most lawyers are good at debating. Sarah is a lawyer, so she must be good at debating.
(C) Some professors have PhDs. Dr. Jones is a professor, so he must have a PhD.
(D) Many artists are creative. Mark is an artist, so he must be creative.
(E) Most engineers are good at math. Kevin is an engineer, so he must be good at math.

Question 6:

Whenever John drinks coffee at night, he has trouble sleeping. Last night, John had trouble sleeping. Therefore, he must have had coffee.

Which of the following follows the same reasoning?

(A) If a person eats spicy food, they may get indigestion. Jack has indigestion, so he must have eaten spicy food.
(B) If a student studies, they pass the exam. Rachel passed the exam, so she must have studied.
(C) If a machine is broken, it won’t work. The machine isn’t working, so it must be broken.
(D) If an animal is a mammal, it has lungs. This animal has lungs, so it must be a mammal.
(E) If a company makes a profit, it must have high sales. XYZ Corp made a profit, so it must have had high sales.

Question 7:

A new software update caused several system crashes. Therefore, the update must have been flawed.

Which of the following follows the same pattern?

(A) A new medicine was introduced, and some patients recovered. Thus, the medicine was effective.
(B) A car broke down after an oil change, so the oil change must have caused the breakdown.
(C) A student failed a test after changing study methods, so the new method must be ineffective.
(D) A restaurant changed its chef, and the food quality improved. Therefore, the new chef must be better.
(E) A company changed its CEO, and profits increased. So, the new CEO must have been responsible for the increase.

Question 8:

Every time the factory operates at full capacity, pollution levels rise. Pollution levels have risen, so the factory must be operating at full capacity.

Which of the following follows the same reasoning?

(A) If a person smokes, they develop lung disease. John has lung disease, so he must be a smoker.
(B) If a company reduces costs, profits increase. The company’s profits increased, so costs must have been reduced.
(C) If a school has strict rules, students perform better. The students performed better, so the school must have strict rules.
(D) If a store offers discounts, sales go up. Sales have gone up, so the store must be offering discounts.
(E) If a person eats junk food, they gain weight. Mark gained weight, so he must have eaten junk food.

Question 9:

All luxury cars are expensive. The vehicle John bought is expensive, so it must be a luxury car.

Which of the following follows the same reasoning?

(A) All roses are flowers. This plant is a flower, so it must be a rose.
(B) All birds have feathers. This animal has feathers, so it must be a bird.
(C) All dogs bark. This animal barks, so it must be a dog.
(D) All apples are fruits. This fruit is an apple, so it must be red.
(E) All diamonds are valuable. This gem is valuable, so it must be a diamond.

Question 10:

A company that invests in employee training sees productivity increase. XYZ Corp has seen increased productivity, so it must have invested in employee training.

Which of the following follows the same reasoning?

(A) When a team practices, they improve. The team improved, so they must have practiced.
(B) When a machine is well-maintained, it works efficiently. This machine is working efficiently, so it must have been well-maintained.
(C) If a student reads books, their vocabulary improves. Tom’s vocabulary improved, so he must have read books.
(D) When a plant is watered, it grows. This plant has grown, so it must have been watered.
(E) If a person eats healthily, they stay fit. Mike is fit, so he must be eating healthily.

Here are the solutions with explanations for each of the Parallel Reasoning questions:

Question 1 Solution:

Argument: A study found that children who read books daily perform better in school. Therefore, reading books daily is the primary reason for academic success.

Correct Answer: (A) Students who practice math problems daily tend to score higher on math tests. Thus, practicing math problems is the main factor in achieving high scores.

Explanation: This follows the same reasoning pattern—correlation is assumed to be causation. The argument assumes that the daily habit (reading books or practicing math) is the main cause of success.

Question 2 Solution:

Argument: A company’s new advertising campaign led to a significant increase in sales. Therefore, the campaign was the direct cause of the increase.

Correct Answer: (B) A restaurant introduced a new menu, and customer visits increased. Hence, the menu change caused the increase.

Explanation: Both arguments assume that a single action (advertising campaign/menu change) was the direct cause of the observed result (increase in sales/customers).

Question 3 Solution:

Argument: If a person works hard, they are more likely to succeed. Mark has worked hard, so he will definitely succeed.

Correct Answer: (C) If a student studies, they improve their grades. Sara studied, so her grades must have improved.

Explanation: This argument assumes that doing a certain action (working hard/studying) guarantees a specific outcome (success/improved grades), which is not necessarily true.

Question 4 Solution:

Argument: Whenever it rains, the roads get wet. The roads are wet, so it must have rained.

Correct Answer: (A) If a car is out of fuel, it won’t start. John’s car won’t start, so it must be out of fuel.

Explanation: Both arguments assume a one-way causation: A → B, then seeing B means that A must have happened, ignoring the possibility of other causes.

Question 5 Solution:

Argument: Doctors who specialize in cardiology earn high salaries. Dr. Smith is a cardiologist, so he must earn a high salary.

Correct Answer: (A) All professional athletes train hard. John is a professional athlete, so he must train hard.

Explanation: The reasoning follows the same pattern: If a person belongs to a certain group, they must have a specific characteristic.

Question 6 Solution:

Argument: Whenever John drinks coffee at night, he has trouble sleeping. Last night, John had trouble sleeping. Therefore, he must have had coffee.

Correct Answer: (A) If a person eats spicy food, they may get indigestion. Jack has indigestion, so he must have eaten spicy food.

Explanation: Both arguments assume that because B happened (trouble sleeping/indigestion), A must have been the cause (coffee/spicy food), ignoring other possible causes.

Question 7 Solution:

Argument: A new software update caused system crashes. Therefore, the update must have been flawed.

Correct Answer: (B) A car broke down after an oil change, so the oil change must have caused the breakdown.

Explanation: Both arguments assume that an event happening after an action means the action caused it, without considering other possibilities.

Question 8 Solution:

Argument: Every time the factory operates at full capacity, pollution levels rise. Pollution levels have risen, so the factory must be at full capacity.

Correct Answer: (D) If a store offers discounts, sales go up. Sales have gone up, so the store must be offering discounts.

Explanation: Both arguments assume that A always leads to B, and if B happens, then A must have happened, ignoring other causes.

Question 9 Solution:

Argument: All luxury cars are expensive. The vehicle John bought is expensive, so it must be a luxury car.

Correct Answer: (A) All roses are flowers. This plant is a flower, so it must be a rose.

Explanation: This is a flawed logical structure called converse error (affirming the consequent)—just because something has a characteristic doesn’t mean it belongs to a specific category.

Question 10 Solution:

Argument: A company that invests in employee training sees productivity increase. XYZ Corp has seen increased productivity, so it must have invested in training.

Correct Answer: (A) When a team practices, they improve. The team improved, so they must have practiced.

Explanation: Both arguments assume that if A leads to B, and B happens, then A must have happened, which ignores other possible causes.

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