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Tips and Tricks to make CAT simpler

CAT Exam
The CAT measures four general types of knowledge: Verbal, Quantitativeand Reasoning. The entire test takes about three hours to complete. Preparing for this important exam may seem like a daunting task, but you can simplify the process with the help of some CAT tips and tricks. Use Mnemonics to Learn Vocabulary Words Making a cheat sheet complete with mnemonics simplifies the process of learning vocabulary words for the Verbal section. Word pictures can help you to retain the words you’re learning. For instance, suppose you’re trying to learn the word “extricate.” “Extricate” means to free something or someone from a constraint or problem. You may pair the word with a mental picture of a group of people being freed from a stuck elevator by a technician. Creating mnemonics that relate to your life, family, or job can make them all the more memorable. Look for Vocabulary Words in Context Studying a cheat sheet full of words and mnemonics shouldn’t be the end of your vocabulary studies. It’s just as important to be able to recognize those words in context. If you’ve signed up to take the CAT, there’s a good chance that you already read several business publications, so keep an eye out for the words used within those resources. Reading financial newspapers, magazines, and online articles that contain CAT vocabulary words helps you become more familiar with them. After a while, you’ll know what the words mean without having to think about them. Learn the Test Instructions Before Test Day When you read the instructions for each section before test day arrives, you’ll know what to expect on the actual day. This can make you feel more relaxed about tackling each section. Also, you won’t have to use your test time reading instructions because you will already know what you’re doing. Always Keep Some Study Materials Close By When it comes to CAT tips and strategies, the easiest ones can sometimes be the most effective. Even busy working professionals have free moments throughout the day. It’s a smart idea to use those moments for study and review. For instance, you can work on some practice math problems during a lunch or coffee break. If you have a dentist or doctor’s appointment, you can use virtual flashcards to quiz yourself on vocabulary words while you’re sitting in the waiting room. Taking a few minutes each day to review can add up to a lot of productive study time by the end of a week. Set a Timer for Practice Tests If you’re concerned about completing each section of the CAT within the allotted number of minutes, one of our favorite hacks is to try setting a timer as you begin each session of a practice. If the timer goes off before you’re finished with the section, you may be spending too much time on puzzling problems. Or perhaps you’re taking too much time to read the directions for each section rather than familiarizing yourself with them ahead of time. Timing your practice tests helps you establish a rhythm that allows you to get through each section with a few minutes to spare for review. Get Into the Habit of Eliminating Wrong Answer Options Another very effective CAT strategy is to eliminate answer options that are clearly incorrect. With the exception of the analytical essay, this can be done on every portion of the test. Taking practice tests gives you the chance to establish this habit. By eliminating obviously incorrect answer options, you are making the most efficient use of your test time. Also, you are making the questions more manageable by giving yourself fewer answers to consider.

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CAT Exam

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