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How And Why To Read Newspaper??

CAT Exam
With ease!!For starters, it would be difficult to cope up but let me explain you the best strategy. Reading English newspaper helps you a lot with English selection and a bit with general awareness section. Read Daily! But remember If you cannot revise a thing before the exam don’t read it at the first place, because it will not just waste time but also give you a sense of vague familiarity rather than confident answer and will do much harm then good. So I would like to tell you guys about the way of news paper reading in the light of the above quote. Strategy 1: Week 1: Reading The Hindu for the first time take almost 5 to 5 1/2 hours. – Read the editorial – Refer Dictionary for many words. – Read 3-4 times to really the meaning. – Take down notes which is a part of the process. Week 2: Improve on speed so start reading faster just for the sake of improving on time. – Take about 4-5 hours. – Be familiar with terminology, names and abbreviations. – Refer dictionary. – Now editorials seemed familiar topics realize that at least one out of two was from recent news. – Start making notes by simply copying the news article links and few other relevant links. Week 3: Plan to tweak your strategy and concentrate more on basic –  i.e. understanding the news article completely no matter how much time it takes and browsing for information and previous articles if needed. – Start remembering few names, abbreviations. Recollecting capability – Dictionary reference is part of reading and our aim need not be to avoid it but to reduce the usage. Editorials are more intelligible. Even if you don’t understand it completely then refer old news articles related to that editorial and then understand them fully. – Notes making should be improved. – Start referring several other materials, websites online and collect some good information related to each news which you feel is important. This whole exercise obviously takes more time and believes the reading time shot to 4+ hours. Week 4: Though it was takes 4+ hours, follow this strategy. Slowly and steadily, you start improving on all the 5 aspects mentioned above and you know what, you start reading faster, start understanding the news better, refer comparatively lesser additional news articles and information to understand the news better. Obviously the reading time will be reducing. In next 10 days with this same preparation you can reduce 1 hour of your time and keep reducing even further day by day. You will start improving on the notes taking part as well and each small improvement contributed to your reduction in time. Initially, please don’t reduce or follow any strategy to reduce the new paper reading time just for the sake of reading faster. Concentrate on understanding the articles better. Our aim should always be to fully understand articles rather than cutting the time. There may be experts who say “I read new paper in 1 hour”. Don’t panic! This is Rome was not built in 1 day kind of stuff. We need to understand that it takes time initially and gradually reduces. Strategy 2: Get a notebook and divide it in sections. Like India, International, Science, History, Geography, Sports, Awards, Misc (you may add or reduce..). Now start reading The Hindu from its first page which is mostly politics, and some really important news. Read them; look for sentences that answer a question like What? When? Where? Who? Etc. Put all ‘where’s’ in geography, all ‘when’s’ in history…who’s in India, international or awards or recognition or if it fits nowhere…put it in misc.. When you read about event specially international read it in great detail pay attention to its background like when it started…Why…by whom?…find about the place where it took place. Is there anything special about it? Put it in geography (Read about the places for sports events too). You may find a question or two about places related to recent events. About the sports page…go for the lesser known sports. achery, rafting etc. Know the names of tournaments, national champs, places, etc. Also when you read about a record read its history. Normally Hindu covers it all… For example if A has broken a record in some fancy game find out who held it before him place, numbers, etc. Note them down. Same goes for awards and recognitions. Remember reading about Nobel Prizes while preparing. If you find something related to mythology, archaeology put it in history. Follow the same thumb rule. Ask questions and note them down in history section. Put random bits in misc section, like corporate page, business, and economics. While looking for when, who, where etc…pay attention to’ whys’ and ‘how’s they may help you in mains. Complete the whole thing in 2 – 3 hours (this will improve over time) including making notes. It’s okay if something is missed from your eyes you may hit at it in coaching notes, GS magazines, years books etc… Do not procastinate. If you will not read this paper today, tomorrow you will have two in your plate. If everything goes well by the end of the year you will have a good current affairs notes book to read and reread and revise. I have always find it easier to remember my own hand writing in exams..and if you are lucky you may have a few questions from it..This will pay for the hard work. Hope you may find it useful.

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