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What to do after Graduation? Job or MBA?

CAT Exam
Many students across the global with aspirations to pursue management degree like MBA wonder when should they get MBA? Some think: why waste and year, just get it right after Engineering or any Bachelors degree. So, the big question is what to do after graduation? What is the correct decision? Should I get a job? Well, ‘skills’ is the most important word to note here, higher education not necessarily mean higher skills and better career. Many postgraduates have lesser knowledge than graduates, and if it is the better career that you are after, education that enhances your skills becomes an important asset. Because even after graduation 70% engineering graduates from 2016 in India were found to be not employed. That’s a massive number of students unqualified for a job. These students are usually more confused, because they can’t land a job to get some work experience under their belt. So, is there another way to acquire skills? Yes, of course. Investment is higher education is high, but so are the benefits that come along with it. The best decision is to work for a year and practice for entrance test too. This will help you to gain work experience, skill, interest and an option open to start MBA. What difference does it make? Why should you work?   Work experience makes a huge difference. Because many concepts related to leadership, organization management, change management need work experience. You will not make much out of those classes if you do not have experience.  For instance, the question would be: how did you deal with your team? What conflicts did you encounter as a team manager or member? Think about it, if you have not worked, how would you know? So, it is very much needed to have work experience but at the same time your education is important too. Is work experience necessary for doing higher education? Depends! It solely depends on the course of your study. As MBA has become the preferred post graduation course for most graduates. Most universities prefer students with 1 – 2 years of work experience, and the reason for that is:
  • It’s easier for a student to understand business studies if he/she has previously worked in a company.
  • Students with work experience behind them can be more creative and productive during the project work, presentations, case studies, etc.
Wrap up As we’re soon to enter 2018, what millennial generation must understand is that the very nature of the work is changing as well. The roles that didn’t exist a decade ago are in demand now. Job titles like Social Media specialist, Search Engine Optimizer, Digital Marketing, UX and UI designers are now in great demand. So one should prefer doing short term courses to make oneself capable to deal with GDPI. This will help you to enhance your career prospect. Choose your career wisely!! All The Best!!!

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CAT Exam

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