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Avoid these 7 mistakes while preparing for CAT

CAT Exam

CAT exam requires months of preparation and even a single mistake can cost you a lot, considering the amount and level of competition. But sometimes we are so concerned about covering the syllabus and counting the days left for CAT exam that we almost forget about few simple mistakes that we do. So we have listed top seven of those mistakes that you should avoid doing: 1. Not following Time-Tables: Time tables are the most decisive element while you prepare for CAT. Strictly following tine tables will help you get through the revision of the syllabus quickly and evade any last minute panic for not knowing and nit having the time to revise everything. 2. Ignoring the basics: For any competitive exam clearing the basics and building a foundation before you start with the higher level topics is must. Ignoring the basics and directly jumping to advance level will put you in trouble. 3. Too many reference books: After students have understood the syllabus, they turn to reference books for guidance. Many, unsure of which to pick, take on multiple reference books leading to a lot of confusion. Students must keep their reference books limited to avoid confusions in basics, mix-up of concepts, etc. 4. Avoiding self-preparation strategies: Not everyone has the same ability to study. Some students have good analytical skills; some are good with concept retention. Every student is unique in this regard and identifying the best study method for them is a vital part. When you create your own preparation strategies, it would generate more favourable results and give you a boost of confidence in your own abilities. Avoiding self preparation will only keep things difficult. 5. Disturbing your sleep pattern: We all know that important these competitive exams are and they are worth sacrificing a few sleeps. But what we forget to do is to get back to our normal sleeping pattern a few days before examination. As a sleepless night just before the examination will hamper your concentration during the exam and this is actually one of the most common mistakes done by students. 6. Not taking enough mock tests: Practice makes Man and Woman perfect. And even after having enough access to practice papers and mock tests many of us do not take advantage of them, the reason, well it’s just because of that big word called “Laziness”. We all know but forget that these mock tests not only help in time management but also help in boosting the confidence. 7. Doubting your preparation:  I know this one is the most commonly heard statement but you should have confidence in your preparation. Doubting your abilities and your preparation have never been a good idea and will never be. If you follow the above tips and avoid the mistakes mentioned, there is no stopping you from scoring well and achieving your goal. All The Best!!

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CAT Exam

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