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Pre-Requisites For CAT Preparation:

CAT Exam
Preparing for CAT is actually based on certain requirements. These requirements are important to know while making a strategy or while preparing for the study plan. These requirements if followed properly help the one to maximize their score with the speed. Here are some requisites for CAT preparation: Do no Jump Directly To Shortcuts: Do not go for ‘shortcuts’, i.e. solve the questions after you understand the topic. If the subject is understood, the answer becomes clear and easy to remember. This is important in the case of Quantitative Ability, Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning. In these subjects, logical part is more. Therefore, it requires more analysis for problem solving. Learn To leave Lengthy And Difficult Questions: The student must learn to leave the very difficult questions in case they take too much time to get solved. There is no place for guesswork in the exams which have negative marking, so it should be avoided even in all the practice tests and assignments. Previous Year Question Papers: Practice previous year questions subject wise and further chapter wise. These should be done side by side as the chapter is covered in class. It is a good habit to read old CAT exam questions, as this gives you a good idea about the pattern of the examination. Not only topic wise, but also question wise preparation is required to easily crack CAT entrance exams. Group Discussions: Group discussions are a boon, in the preparation for any entrance exams. This works very easily, each one from a group knows something and has a unique skill set. While participating in-group discussions, everyone shares the knowledge he knows. This small share in turn helps all the participants to understand all the topics, which were discussed in-group discussion. Use Mnemonics: Using mnemonics (tricks to memorize easily), can be highly useful to remember long derivations, formulas. Lot of books are available in the market, which teaches mnemonics. This reduces the time for preparation and increases the memory power. Eliminating fear and stress is the first step to success: One of the major prerequisites for CAT entrance test preparations is to completely eliminate fear as this is a major obstacle. With the help of techniques such as meditation and yoga, you should face your fears and continue practicing topics you are not confident about. Care of Your Health: Finally yet importantly, take care of your health and stay away from alcohol and smoking. Have good and healthy foods, which help to increase concentration and focus. Focus ~ Follow ~ Achieve All The Best!!!

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CAT Exam

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