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Top 10 Tips to Crack CAT with an Ease…

CAT Exam
CAT preparation is a lot more about getting your plan right than actual  conceptual knowledge. Being an aptitude-based exam, it makes a lot of sense to prepare for the exam in the right manner. The number of hours you put in for preparation might actually not matter and what might matter more is the approach you adopt for the exam. Here are Top 10 Tips to adopt a correct approach: 1. Start preparing for CAT right after you graduation exams. Do not waste your time. 2. CAT is NOT tough. You just need to develop a natural interest in Quant and DI – LR. Think in terms of actual scenarios and not just solving problems. 3. Self study is absolutely must. You must spent time on self preparation apart from coaching hours. 4. The number of hours you study is more important than how much you actually get done in those hours. Concentration in whichever subject you study is the key! 5. Build a good timetable and follow it religiously. Systematic study is more important than studying concepts randomly. 6. Avoid social media distractions like Facebook and Mobile distractions like whatsapp for these 5 – 6 months. But you could join useful Facebook and whatsapp groups to keep a tab on what other students are up to – how are they preparing differently. 7. Take breaks between studies. Play your favorite sports to keep yourself fit and rejuvenated. 8. Friends can be a distraction. Choose wisely whom you want to be friends. 9. On the CAT Exam day, follow your test taking strategy. Taking time bound practice tests or mock test is key to your optimal performance on the CAT day. 10. Find a mentor in your close circle. It can be your brother, sister, mother, father, coaching teacher – anyone. You need to be motivated throughout your preparation. Do not lose vision and focus of your Goal! All The Best!!!

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CAT Exam

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