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32 common questions asked in Personal Interviews !


As you begin your preparation for Personal Interview round, you must be well aware and acquainted with the question types which are most commonly asked by the panelists. This article gives you the common questions as suggested by the experts and toppers so that you can be prepared for your interaction with the B-School admission interview boards.

Here’s a list of few common questions asked in a PI:

1. Tell us something about yourself.

2. Why do you think should we give you admission in our college?

3. What are your key skills/ greatest strengths?

4. What is your greatest weakness?

5. What is your greatest achievement?

6. Where do you see yourself five years down the line?

7. What are your career goals?

8. What are your short-term goals?

9. What are your long-term goals?

10. Why do you want to join this College/B-school?

11. Why MBA?

12. Why marketing/ finance/ etc. specialisation?

13. Why this particular programme?

14. What are your hobbies and interests?

15. Who is your role model?

16. Who inspires you?

17. What is the difference between a good manager and a good leader?

18. Why should we admit you?

19. Walk me through your resume/profile.

20. What is your biggest failure or challenge?

21. How will you contribute to the class if we choose you?

22. How will you contribute to the campus if we choose you?

23. How will you add value to the campus if chosen?

24. What is your expectation from this MBA programme?

25. How do you deal with failures?

26. How do you deal with criticism?

28. What have you learnt from your failures?

29. Discuss a situation when you were a leader.

30. Where else have you applied? What other calls have you received?

31. What are the newspaper headings that grabbed your attention?

32. Do you want to ask or know anything (about the college)?

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