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20 must do TIPS to succeed CAT exam

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Tips:- Study the syllabus pattern in depth and make a separate list of all topics you need to study – Create a weekly study schedule to keep track of your progress – As you study prepare a list of important formulae and points to refer back to – Practice questions everyday so you do not get out of touch of the topic – Incorporate a wider mix of topics to revise – Study from books designed for CAT preparation – After completing a chapter practice at least 20-25 questions related to it – Practice your calculation and approximation skills – Aim to increase speed with accuracy – Note the time it takes you to complete a set of 10 questions and practice so you can complete them under 10 minutes – After you complete the syllabus move on to solving sample papers/previous year papers – Correct the sample year/previous year papers after completing them and note down your weak areas – Revise any topic you feel is your weak point – Go through your quick revision sheet of formulae and important points everyday – Practice any applications for a given formulae – Give 20 mins per day to speed up your calculations skills – If you have doubts in any question skip it as negative marking is applicable – Prepare for the General Aptitude section from any CAT book as its highly scoring – Pay attention to small details, a single misplaced sign can change the answer – Always take the time to read the question properly so you don’t lose out key points due to being in a hurry Apart from the compulsory subject, your optional subject can be the key to high scores. To maximize your performance remember never to skip out on sleep or meals; a healthy body gives a healthy mind and healthy minds give good scores!

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