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How to Improve Reading Comprehension

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reading comprehension How to go about Reading Comprehension Reading comprehension is included in most of the entrance exam to check how well you can comprehend.The topics in RC ranges from science,economics,philosophy,politics,sociology, history,art.RC at times might get difficult if you are unfimiliar with certain topics.Hence make an habbit of reading wide range of topics.Newspaper can provide you most of the above mentioned topics especially in the editorial column.”The Speaking Tree” in TOI is best for philosophical based RC. types of question asked: Inference based some authors are not explicit about everything they want to say,certain things are indirectly said.In inference based questions you got to identify what the author implies. Inference based questions test your ability to read between the lines. Application based In application based questions you’re asked to choose an answer which relates to a process or a situation described in the passage.Here you are required to thoroughly understand the given information and apply the idea to find the correct answer. Vocabulary based: In this type you are ask to find closest meaning word to a particular phrase or word in the passage hence it is essential to have a good vocabulary. Main Idea based Main idea questions ask you to identify the main purpose of the passage.To answer such type of questions,you must understand what the author is trying to say.It is basically to know the gist of the passage. Tone To identify the tone of the passage you must understand the attitude or the mood of the author.There can be certain word or phrase which can help you identify the tone of the passage. Tips to crack RC: Try to find out the what the author is trying to convey.This could be found in the first two para. If the passage is too long try to make note of few important point and skip the unwanted information like the examples of certain situation. Try to build logical sequence of all the significant point you have found in the passage. Find the Gist of the passage Skim the rest of the passage. In most cases, the author just ends up justifying what he is trying to say in the first few lines. Skim for the GIST,General Idea,Structure,Tone

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