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Fool proof strategy for Reading Comprehension

bank-po, CAT Exam, CMAT Exam, MBA MAH CET, NMAT Exam, SNAP Exam
If there is one thing I want people to remember in RC while solving them for CAT 2016 or any other exam it has to be: “Overcome the fear of missing something” We all know that most of the RCs are now moving towards inference based. There can’t be a greater example of this then to remember that none of us remember who coined the phrase “The devil lies in the details”.. Tell yourself a million times…..nay, a billion times before you pick the next RC passage for CAT or infact any other exam. You don’t need to read the entire passage to understand it entirely. And you don’t need to understand the passage entirely in order to answer all the questions. Learning something new is hard. Unlearning an old habit is harder. We have become so used to remembering the details for our school exams we forget that its the concept that is important. We can *always* revisit the passage for minor details. Take care of these 4 strategies when taking up your next RC. (1) Cetking RC 1.3 strategy Focus on the first few lines – read critically to understand what the author is trying to say. For longer passages this could be roughly 1/3 of the first paragraph. (2) GIST of the passage Skim the rest of the passage. In most cases, the author just ends up justifying what he is trying to say in the first few lines. Skim for the GIST GI -> General Idea S->Structure T->Tone (3) Scan passage Now for a longer passage try putting down in less than 10 words for each paragraph what you thought was the crux. For shorter passages, the same might be for a chunk of 3-4 sentences. eg. Author shows 2 reasons a & b for a theory. Goes onto show why a is wrong and b is unproven Explains his own theory (c). Gives lots of examples for c to be right (4) Outlining Remember that while reading you might not even want to read the examples given and dive straight into the questions. So next time you hit the passage, try this. Try this for 5 passages for XAT NMAT or CAT 2015 and I guarantee you will see a change in your scores. Cat Passages RC for Cat RC Tips for Cat Cat RC Passages Practice Best Book for Cat English Tips for Reading Comprehension cat reading comprehension reading comprehension for cat cat reading comprehension passages
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