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How to build a killer Resume


>Download the sample resume here <

A CV / Resume is a comprehensive statement

Resume should include and reflect your focus on the following things:

  • professional qualifications
  • education
  • experience
  • accomplishments
  • activities
  • special qualifications

Depending on the type of job you are applying for, you will need to create a curriculum vitae (CV) or a resume. Usually, students / employees create a different resume for a different type of job applications or company profiles. Both documents put your qualification in writing, but they are used for different audiences and use a different format.

In India, most employers esp MNCs use fixed template of resumes for non-academic positions, which is a one or two page Resume summarizing of your experience, education, and skills.  Companies rarely spend more than a few minutes reviewing a resume, and successful resumes are concise with enough white space on the page to make it easy to scan.


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