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SIES Nerul


The SIES (NERUL) COLLEGE OF ARTS, SCIENCE & COMMERCE was founded in the year 1998. The Institution prides itself in the fact that even though it is only 16 years old, it offers quality education in every respect where the management, staff and students have made immense contribution to the growth of the Institution. The beginning was humble, but the College has grown by leaps and bounds over the years.

This has guided the College in offering a wide spectrum of courses, both at the undergraduate and postgraduate level. The College has been quick to respond to the challenges of the changing times, which is reflected in the increasing choices of subjects. The College is also inspired by Swami Vivekananda’s concept of “man-making education”. Good education helps in the formation of character, strengthens the mind and intellect, hones the skills of the students. Thus the college believes in imparting education to students for their all round development to create ideal citizens of the nation.

Mission of the institution
The South Indian Education society is very keen on following the principles it has laid for itself. The mission was set by the founder of the society, late Shri M.V Venkateshwaran in1932 which is as follows:

This society should sincerely serve the cause of education needs of the common man of this cosmopolitan city.

So in a spirit of sincerity we,
Stress on high standards of academic, professional and societal performance.
Respond in a creative manner to a continuously changing cosmopolitan society.
Support cultural and ethnic diversity in the community.
Objectives of the college
To produce professionals of high calibre values to establish a truly educated cosmopolitan city so that the vision of the South Indian Education Society is translated into reality

We Seek to achieve our educational mission by
Strengthening the human intellects through the rule of reasoning.
Encouraging industry based academic interaction for knowledge based on experience.
Enabling the students to enhance their knowledge by providing library resources and an environment conducive to learning.
Imparting knowledge keeping abreast with changing technologies.
Our Motto

Tirelessly strive towards perfection and scaling greater heights.

The students, staff and teachers, are entities who have a direct connection with the college. Hence, they are well informed and briefed about the mission and vision of the college. This constantly evokes them to work harder with sincerity and honesty, thus transmuting the dreams of the college into reality.

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