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Accuracy And Speed: Key To Success

CAT Exam
CAT exam is all about Accuracy. And your accuracy is always backed by your speed and choice of question you attempt first. So one should try to speed up first and then try to maintain accuracy. For Speed:                                                                                                                                                                            Make an effort to solve sectional paper in 50 minutes and try to get as much as marks you are getting in 60 minutes. If you practice hard for 50 minutes you will get 10 minutes bonus for each section in exam. Some questions repeat in pattern so mug up the pattern which is continuously repeating in exam. For Accuracy:                                                                                                                                                                             It comes with practice and by only practice. Here are some tips that might be useful for you to increase accuracy and speed: Be quick and accurate: During exam time two most important factors are speed and accuracy. Remember that high speed with less accuracy is the most dangerous thing; it can ruin your score. If you are not so much fast in attempting the questions then always try to ensure that, attempt every question with maximum (100%) accuracy. This will increase your chances of qualifying the sectional and overall cut off of the exam. Accuracy is more important than speed: So don’t do wild guesses in trying to attempt maximum questions. Don’t focus on number of attempts. Mark only those which you are sure of.  It makes a huge difference. Be wise in selecting questions: One need to be very careful while attempting the Question paper. It is safe to leave a question than to attempt it and get it wrong. Don’t get stuck on a single question it will reduce your speed so if you are not able to solve it within 1 minute than move on. Don’t be in hurry; think twice before marking any answer: In Online exam some Questions are means to trap the students and kill their time. So read the question carefully to understand what is required and see the options with great concentration.

Strike A Balance Between Accuracy And Speed

All The Best!!

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CAT Exam

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