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CAT 1990 paper with solution

actual-papers, CAT Exam
CAT 1990 paper with solution in new patternCAT 1990 paper cetking questions CAT 1990 paper cetking solutions CAT exam in the year 1990 contained 174 questions in four sections, i.e. Verbal Ability, Reading Comprehension, Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning. At that time, sections on Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension were separate and distinct. Verbal Ability dominated the paper with 100 questions followed by Reading comprehension and Quantitative Ability with 50 questions each, while DI&LR section had only 24 questions. Sectional timing was a significant norm to reckon with in the earlier CATs, but in the decade that followed, sectional timing was done away with. Through the 1990s the CAT exam remained more or less unchanged with 174 to 190 questions distributed in four sections. we have reduced the paper to fit into latest CAT pattern with Quant + DI 30 questions and Verbal + Logic 30 questions. CAT 1990 paper cetking questions CAT 1990 paper cetking solutions CAT 1990 paper with solution

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actual-papers, CAT Exam

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