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Done with CAT, now what?

CAT Exam
Silhouette of a man in a business suit giving a shrug with a question mark CAT is done, now we all do deserve a short break, but below homework needs to be do after that Analyze your chances & expected calls You must check based on your CAT percentile what all colleges you can expect calls from. Try to understand the various other evaluation parameters which colleges is looking for like  Gender Diversity, Academic Excellence, Academic Diversity, WAT, GD/PI, Essay Writing, Work Exp, Professional Course etc. Look at your chances by analyzing yourself based on these parameters. Analyze the ROI for your MBA from a particular college Do further self research about college considering below factors: – College’s Reputation and Ranking – Placement & Average Salary – College Fee’s Considering all above factors analyze ROI for you going for MBA from this college. Below example would help you in understanding your situation: Check what application forms are still available Considering that there isn’t much time left in the admission process to start it is very critical to fill up application forms of colleges before the last dates. There aren’t many application forms available at this stage, and missing the one’s which are available is not recommended at all: Start your preparation for next level of tests Apart from CAT , there are various other test which B-Schools applies in selecting candidates examples are: WAT, GD/PI, Essay Writing, Work Exp After CAT results its advised that you focus on equipping yourself with skills to master in these next level of test . Below are some of the tips to equip yourself for next level of tests:
  • Be focused and sincere
Remember to stay focused and not take it easy for the preparation of other exams. Confident preparation with adequate motivation will help to crack the exams. Make sure to plan strategically and realistically instead of going overboard with unrealistic exam preparation
  • Set your timetable
Prepare a realistic timetable with the help of your subject tutors, experts and mentors with the focus on NMAT, SNAP,CMAT, CET,XAT etc. This will help you to keep motivated, plan well and at the same time have a realistic approach with the help of experts in the field.
  • Build concepts well rather than learning everything
If the concepts are stronger then you will not face problems to solve any questions asked for application based questions.
  • Make notes of important concepts
It will be useful to jot down important formulae, tips, techniques and tricks in a separate notebook for study. This will be useful for the final run through.
  • Solve sample papers
It is beneficial to solve sample papers in exam like conditions to be prepared for other exams. It will be useful to opt for short methods for calculations to save time. If you are not selected for the IIM’s then do not be disappointed. It is still possible to make it to good MBA colleges.
  • Make a list of colleges
It will be useful to prioritize and make list of colleges, according to the various branch. Explore the details of each college and the scope of the branch of interest. Make sure you focus on factors like structure of fees, food, facilities, location, infrastructure etc.

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CAT Exam

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