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How did I prepare for CET

Tips from CET topper itself CET_1 The CET (Common Entrance Test) for MBA admissions is conducted by the Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra. The CET, now conducted online, typically contains 200 MCQ (multiple choice questions) to be attempted in 150 minutes. All test questions carry equal marks and no negative marking is there. How to prepare for CET ? – the all-important question for you at this stage could lead to many possible answers, depending on the seeker and the giver. You need to look no further as your preparation for CET is now easier with our CETKING portal, where you will find lots of valuable study material. You can access it to get free study material and practice tests for your CET preparation. The thoroughly updated CET study material takes care of all your needs for CET preparation Paper Pattern:-
No. Topics No. Of Questions Marks Per Question Maximum Marks
1 Logical Reasoning 75


2 Abstract Reasoning 25 25
3 Quantitative Aptitude 50 50
4 Verbal Ability / Reading Comprehension 50 50
Total 200 200
  1. Early Prep makes you confident
This isn’t a test that you can ace in few weeks of cramming, in order to excel you will need to start preparing in advance at least a year prior to the examination. It helps to join a crash course or class that help you prepare well.
  1. Browse the books:
It’s imperative to read through your books in order to have a thorough understanding of the subject. It helps to cover all the topics mentioned in the syllabus though stick to the sanctioned books.
  1. Time allotment:
You should ensure that you divide your time well amongst all the subjects as each subject holds equal importance and needs attention in order to excel the examination. The syllabus of the vast topics should be covered first and needs a bit of more time thus ensure to divide your time accordingly.
  1. Keep solving mocks
Keep solving as many test questions as possible especially MCQ as a majority of the students don’t score well in the CET examination despite of preparing well and the reason of this being that they aren’t familiar with the MCQ format of answering. The answering of MCQs call for quick thinking and decision making within a span of few seconds for which hard work & practices is imperative.
  1. CET Preparation Tips – Logical & Abstract Reasoning 
Work with the logical reasoning theory and questions given on our portal. Going through popular puzzle books like Shakuntala Devi’s is a good idea.
  1. CET Preparation Tips – English: 
Make a habit of reading good books and newspapers and try to learn new words and their usage by looking up a standard dictionary. Our official website offers plenty of questions on CET Grammar, Vocabulary and Comprehension etc. for the CET English part. Studying a good Grammar book like Wren & Martin’s High School Grammar and solving the questions therein can help you a lot.
  1. CET Preparation Tips – Quantitative Ability and DI:
Work hard on tables, squares and cubes to save time in the test. Mental calculations can help you a lot here. Try to develop approximations, decimal-fractions and percentage for better performance here. You can benefit from practice DI questions, math’s study material and category-wise practice questions for the CET exam preparation.
  1. Stress Reliever-
We know that it’s important to study hard & spend a few hours daily on preparation but it’s also also important to have time for yourself doing things that you enjoy in order to feel refreshed. Exercise, go out for walks, play sports or anything in order to relieve the stress and brace yourself for intellectual challenges.
  1. Plan your preparation:
The importance of preparation and planning cannot be undermined in any task especially in the preparation of a competitive exam. It’s advisable to create weekly study plans in which you assign certain chapters to be completed on a weekly basis so that you will be done with your syllabus on time.
  1. Keep calm
Its very easy to get overwhelmed during the course of preparation or examination and start your descent into the downward spiral of anxiety, thus its very important to keep calm during the course of the examination as overdosing on stress and pressure will impair your performance. BEST OF LUCK!!! — This Article is prepared as per tips given by our CET topper Akash Vadhera, CET rank 47

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