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Meditation Makes You An Excellent Student!

CAT Exam
Meditation is a practice that has a long history dating back to Hindu traditions of Ancient India. There was always something a bit mystical or mysterious about meditation. Should students learn to meditate? Yes, yes, and yes! Because, with regular practice (at least once or twice a day), students will see improvements ranging from health and well-being to academic performance. And any student preparing for CAT exam needs improvement at each stage. So, meditation becomes requite to crack CAT. Here are some benefits of meditation which help you to make a way towards meditation: Increased Focus: Studies have shown that meditation increases the ability to focus for longer sustained periods of time. This benefits students in many ways, including understanding, material retention and focus for longer sustained period of time. In addition, students who meditate gets help in taking quizzes and tricky exams. Improved Memory: Meditation also increases grey matter in the hippocampus region of the brain that is responsible for learning and memory. An enhanced memory allows students to retain more information, which of course, lends itself to better test scores. A good memory means an increased ability to juggle many different ideas and thoughts at once. This is a skill that is useful in carrying thought-provoking, intelligent, and interesting conversations. Furthermore, it is a skill that helps in preparing for any entrance exam. Academic stress goes down Not only do their grades improve, but students who practice meditation report lower levels of stress and increases concentration, alertness, and greater resistance to the physical effects of stress during exams. Meditation benefits in both calculations and logical understanding. Brain integrity & efficiency Not only does meditating make the brain sharper, it also helps to make it a more harmonious unit: university students who took up meditation were found to have changes in the fibbers in the brain area related to regulating emotions and behavior. Among other benefits, these changes again lead to better cognitive and intellectual performance. Distress: Stress can cause digestive issues, headaches, insomnia, depression, and anger. This creates imbalances. Doing meditation leads to significant reductions in stress and depressive symptoms. And that’s apparently true for everyone, including even those who face significant depression. Immunity Boost: Unfortunately, with the lifestyles that many students have, illness is something that is difficult to avoid. Exercise, a healthy diet, and a regular sleeping schedule are all important to sustain a healthy way of life. Additionally, research from the National Library of Health shows that even a short-term meditation training program can provide significant measurable changes in the immune system of participants. Happier, more confident students Last but definitely not least — research finds that students who meditate daily get higher scores on affectivity, self-esteem, and emotional competence. Practice Meditation!! All The Best!!!

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CAT Exam

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