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The road to pressure free CAT

CAT Exam
stress-free Being relaxed but at the same time smart and focused can help you to be at your best during those 180 minutes of the exam. There are quite a lot of things to take care of in your final countdown to CAT. We have collected the best tips for CAT exam day and here’s what we have
  1. Take proper sleep on the night before the exam– This will help you to stay relaxed so that you don’t keep yawning inside the examination hall and rather maintain optimum focus on the exam.
  2. Be careful to carry your admit card and ID Proof with you– Admit Card and ID proof are mandatory for every candidate. Make sure you don’t forget to carry either one of them with you. Or else you will either have to either miss the exam or waste precious time to go and retrieve it.
  3. Make sure to reach the examination center one & a half hour before the time of test – This is a must since the security checks, identity verification and checking in may take a considerable time. Avoid getting late.
  4. Pay attention to the 15 minute tutorial and read all the instructions carefully- The tutorial is to acquaint you with the procedure of online test and a couple of other things like navigating through the 2 sections and keeping track of the timer. You thus need to pay attention to it.
  5. Stick to your strategy- Do not panic and make sure you follow the strategy you’ve made during the preparation. This is one of the most important tips for CAT exam day. You’re not the only who’s nervousness. All the candidates in the examination hall are sailing on the same boat. So avoid any anxiety and stick to your goal
  6. Avoid answering a question which you find confusing– There are some questions which are nothing but “Speed Breakers”. They’re supposed to distract you from the simple questions or the “Sitters”. So make sure you don’t get conned into attempting these speed breakers or more tough questions at the expense of sitters.
  7. Keep a constant eye on the clock and don’t overspend time on a question – Clearing CAT is all about how you keep track of the time limit. Avoid overspending time on any question. If you feel that solving a question is taking quite a while then skip it and simply switch to the next question.
  8. Don’t fear the timer – Some people get distracted while finding that they’re left with only a few minutes to finish the exam. This is highly undesirable for every candidate. Every aspirant should concentrate on the necessary aspects like checking if the OMR sheet is entirely done
  9. Avoid making guesses while choosing the right option – Guesswork might potentially deteriorate all your effort. In case you’re either not sure about answer or are confused between two options, simply “ignore” the question and proceed.
  10. Do not look around the exam hall and compare yourself with others – You can’t compare the vigour of other candidates with yours. Remember that you’re running out of time and observing others will only give you stress
  11. Keep in mind that silly mistakes may cost you a lot in CAT – “Silly mistakes” is a term which we’ve been using frequently since childhood. There are times when after the exam has ended, you realize that you left a very easy question, or you marked the wrong option etc. Such mistakes are consequences of nervousness and carelessness.
The fear of failure is something usual but CAT is not the end of the world. Try to keep in mind the above mentioned tips for CAT exam day and try to give your level best. Don’t get discouraged if you fail to make it to the top colleges in the first attempt. Keep preparing and you’ll soon hit the Bulls Eye. BEST OF LUCK!!!

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CAT Exam

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