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7 golden rules of circular arrangements in reasoning Set 3

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Attend free workshop Register here: Step 1 – Cetking 130 Circular sitting arrangement questions facing centre pdf Step 2 – Cetking 200 must do Circular sitting arrangement questions not facing centre pdf Step 3 – Cetking 75 must do Linear Arrangement questions facing north south pdf 7 golden rules of circular arrangements in reasoning (i) Draw a circle – mark the places (4/6/7/8) – and then start reading the question! (ii) Arrange the information in every sentence – if possible – if not – write it down beside you circle in shorthand – to be arranged when further information clarifies the position.arrangement puzzle mbacet ibps (iii) If you find a situation where, supposing, A can be seated in 2 different places – then, go ahead with one place and arrange the rest accordingly – if you successfully arrange the entire thing – then the A’s place which you had arbitrarily decided is the correct place! If it is not correct you’ll find that your arrangement of A’s position is contradicting as per other information in the question and you can then chose the other A’s possible position. Okay, another one – if P has two possible ways to be seated – namely Seat 1 and Seat 2. You are not understanding from the available information, where to seat P. So you, arbitrarily seat him in either Seat 1 or Seat 2. Let’s say you seated him at Seat 2 – ok – now go ahead and try seating the others as per the rest of the information in the question. If you are able to seat ‘em all without any contradictions or problems, you have successfully solved the question and P’s seat that you chose is correct. And if you find a contradiction of P’s Seat 2 – then you immediately know for sure that Seat 2 is not the right place of P and it has to be Seat 1, as there were only 2 possibilities! (iv) Always arrange those person’s around your circle, whose positions are 100% clear and accurate. Keep the persons who you have a doubt on a little farther away so you know who’s definitely sitting correct and who you need to revise the seating for! Or, put a tick on the persons who are seated correct. This brings clarity to the fact that – these people are sitting right and these places are not available for further arrangement – the rest need to be arranged in the available places only. (v) If there are 4/6/8/10 persons, i.e., even number of people and all facing one particular direction – then 2nd/ 3rd / 4th / 5th to the left or right is always the person sitting opposite! (vi) Where some are facing outward and some facing inward, then mark the places with arrows pointing inward/outward. Like in this figure, A and D are facing outward and so their arrows are pointing away from the centre; while, B and C are facing inward with their arrows pointing towards the circle. I usually more my rough sheet around without wasting my time and get the positions correct! (vii) Practice! The Golden Rule to solving Seating Arrangements – advocated everywhere by everyone is – LOTS OF PRACTICE! Honestly, there is no other way around it! Circular arrangements in reasoning Set 3 Study the information given below and answer the given questions. Eight friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting in a circle, but not necessarily in the same order. Four of them are facing outside and four of them are facing the centre. • 1. E faces outside, Both the immediate neighbours of E face the centre. H sits second to the right of E. B sits third to the left of E. • 2. D faces the centre. Both the immediateneighbours of D face outside. • 3. G sits second to the left of A. B sits third to the right of H • 4. F is an immediate neighbour of D. C is an immediate neighbour of G. • 5. D is not an immediate neighbour of B. 1. Who amongst the following sits on the immediate right of H? 1) A 2) D 3) C 4) G 5) None of these 2. Who amongst the following sits third to the right of A? 1) D 2) E3) F 4) A 5) None of these 3. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way, based on the information given above and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group? 1) HA 2) FH 3) GC 4) DA 5) AE 4. If all the people are made to sit in an alphabetical order, in clockwise direction, starting from A, the position of whom amongst the following remains the same (excluding A)? 1) E 2) F 3) C 4) G 5) None of these 5. How many people are seated between A and C (counting clockwise from A)? 1) Two 2) Four 3) None 4) One 5) Three 6. Who amongst the following sits exactly between F and C (and is also their neighbour)? 1) E 2) B 3) G 4) A 5) None of these circular sitting arrangement reasoning set3 Practice all 11 sets of advance level Sitting arrangement questions Set 1 circular seating arrangement facing outside Set 2 circular sitting arrangement reasoning tricks Set 3 circular seating arrangement problems Set 4 sitting arrangement reasoning bank po shortcuts Set 5 circular arrangement reasoning tricks Set 6 reasoning sitting arrangement tips Set 7 Circular sitting arrangement shortcut tricks Set 8 how to solve seating arrangement reasoning bank po Set 9 circular seating arrangement problems with solutions Set 10 Linear reasoning seating arrangement tricks Set 11 Linear seating arrangement tricks

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