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330 must do Circular Sitting Arrangement questions




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Directions (Questions 01 to 05): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions:
Eight friends-Romil, Ramesh, Rakesh, Rohit, Rahul, Abhijeet, Abhishek and Anil- are sitting around a circular table, but not necessarily in the same order, Four of them are facing inside and the other four are facing outside. All eight friends belong to eight different cities-Bhopal, Patna, Kolkata, Delhi, Gwalior, Bengaluru, Chennai and Rajkot-but not necessarily in the same order.
Abhijeet faces the centre and sits third to the right of Rakesh, Rohit belongs to Kolkata and faces the person who belongs to Bengaluru. Abhishek sits third to the right of Ramesh, who stays in Bhopal. The person who belongs to Delhi is facing the same direction as the person who belongs to Gwalior. Rahul is sitting between the person who belongs to Kolkata and the one from Rajkot respectively. Romil belongs to Gwalior and Rakesh belongs to Patna. The person who belongs to Chennai is facing outwards and immediate neighbor of the person who belongs to Rajkot. Anil is the immediate neighbor of the persons who belongs to Gwalior and Chennai. Rahul is on the immediate left of Rohit.

1). Which of the following friends belongs to Bengaluru?
1) Romil
2) Rohit
3) Anil
4) Abhishek
5) Rahul

2). Who are immediate neighbors of Romil?
1) Ramesh and Rakesh
2) Rahul and Rohit
3) Anil and Ramesh
4) Abhishek and Rahul
5) Rohit and Abhijeet

3). Which of the following pairs is true?
1) Romil-Bhopal
2) Anil-Bengaluru
3) Rohit-Delhi
4) Abjijeet-Delhi
5) Abhishek-Patna

4). What is the position of Ramesh with respect to Rahul?
1) Third to the right
2) Fourth to the left
3) Fifth to the right
4) Second to the right
5) Third to the left

5). If Rohit and Anil interchange their positions and similarly Abhijeet and Rakesh interchange their positions then what is the position of Romil with respect to Rakesh?
1) Third to the left
2) Third to the right
3) Second to the left
4) Immediate left
5) None of these

→8 friends from eight different cities
→Sitting around a circular table
→4 friends – facing inside
→4 friends – facing outside

In questions, where the seating arrangement is a circle, then the following points should be kept in mind.
→Always start filling the position from the bottom-most position
→If phrase to the right is used then the position should be filled in anti clock-wise direction

→If the phrase to the left is used then clockwise direction.

Clue: 1 Abhijeet focus the centre – sits 3rd to the right of Rakesh

→Always the 1st person in the 1st clue is filled in the 1st position of the circle
→Here, Abhijeet focus centre – so filled in position 1 facing centre
→Now, he sits 3rd to the right to Rakesh (facing/not facing centre)
→So tentative position of Rakesh
· If facing centre, 6
· If facing outside, 4

Clue: 2: Rohit belongs to Kolkata & faces the person who belong to Bangalore
→This clue clearly states that Rohit – Kolkata
→Rohit faces the centre
→Rohit faces the person from Bangalore
→The person from Bangalore – faces the centre

→Further in the question it is revealed that
· Rahul sits between the person who belongs to Kolkata → Rohit and the one from Rajkot.
· Rahul is on the immediate left of Rohit
→Keeping all these points in mind. Let us not consider
· Tentative position of Rakesh (4 & 6) and positions opposite to them (8 & 2) respectively. As by question Rakesh-Patna
→Similarly let us not consider position 5 as we done know the city of Abhijeet yet (may/may not be Bangalore)
→This leaves position 3 & 7
· Now position 7 can also be ignored as Rakesh may or may-not be on the immediate left of Rohit where Rahul should be
Therefore, this leave position
3 for Rohit – Kolkata
2 for Rahul
7 for the person from Bangalore.
Since, Rahul is between the persons from the Kolkata
· Rajkot – shows that
→Abhiject – Rajkot

Clue 3: Abhishek sits 3rd to the right of Ramesh from Bhopal
→From this clue we can infer that
· Ramesh is from Bhopal
· Abhishek is 3rd to the right of Ramesh
· Direction faced by Ramesh or Abhishek unknown
→Position considered for Ramesh – Bhopal → 5 & 8
→Now, Ramesh cannot be at 8 because,
· From question, the person who belongs to Chennai is immediate neighbor of the person from Rajkot (i.e., Abhijeet)
· Rahul cannot be from Chennai because Anil – immediate neighbor of person from → Gwalior & Chennai
Position 8 is for person from Chennai
→This leaves position 5 → Ramesh – Bhopal
· If Ramesh faces centre then Abhishek will be at 5
· If Ramesh faces outside, then Abhishek will be at 2 (currently position of Rahul)
Therefore, Ramesh – Bhopal is at 5 which leave Abhishek at 8
· Abhishek from Chennai (Chennai – immediate of Rajkot)
· Abhishek faces outside (person from Chennai facing outward as in question)
· Ramesh faces centre

→The four friends – facing centre are found (1, 3, 5, and 7)
→Therefore, the remaining is facing outside
→Now the position of Rakesh – Patna is still not determined
· We now know Rakesh faces – outside
· Therefore, Rakesh cannot be in position 6 because Rohit – Kolkata will be 3rd to the right of Rakesh not Abhijeet
· That leaves, position 4 for Rakesh – Patna facing outside
→Now two persons are remaining Anil & Romil
· Romil cannot be in 7 as it’s the position for the person from Bangalore
· That leaves Romil – Gwalior (given in question) at 6 position
→Therefore the remaining person Anil will be at 7 by default
→Now the city Delhi is remaining in cities & Rahul in persons
So, by default → Rahul – Delhi
All the positions are filled as per the clues and the arrangement is as follows.

Check some conditions given in the questions
→Rohit faces the person from Bangalore
→The person from Delhi faces the same direction as that as Gwalior person
→Rahul sitting between person from Kolkata & Rajkot
→Person from Chennai facing outwards & immediate neighbor of person from Rajkot
→Anil immediate neighbor of persons from Gwalior & Chennai
→Rahul – immediate neighbor of Rohit on the left

Question – 1
Friends from Bangalore → Anil → 3

Question – 2
Immediate neighbor of Romil → 3

Anil & Ramesh
Question – 3
True pair – 2 Anil – Bangalore

Question – 4
Position of Ramesh with respect to Rahul → 5

Here Rahul is facing outside, the position of Ramesh can be consider in two directions
→Clock wise: 5th to the right → not in options
→Anti clock wise: 3rd to the left

Question – 5
Interchange (Rohit & Anil) & (Abhijeet Rakesh) and find position of Romil with respect to Rakesh

→Here, only position is interchanged
→The direction faced are fixed to positions
Now position of Romil wrt Rakesh
→Clock wise: 3rd to left
→Anti clock wise: 5th to right → not in option
Romil is 3rd to left of Rakesh → 1

Some points to remember while solve such questions
→If ‘ A is not immediate left of B’ then the position A will be in the position next to the immediate left position of B
→This is also applicable for not immediate right phrase
→’A is 3rd to the right of B’ can also be considered as ‘B is 3rd to the left of A’ and vice versa
→Similarly ‘A is 2nd to the left of B’ can be considered as ‘B is 2nd to the right of A’
→In a question when, ‘A is 3rd to the right of B, who is B not A.

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:
• A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circle facing the centre but not necessarily in the same order.
• B sitssecond to left of H’s husband.No female is an immediate neighbor of B.
• D’s daughter sits second to right of F. F is the sister of G. F is not an immediate neighbor of H’s husband.
• Only one person sits between A and F. A is the father of G. H’s brother Dsits to the immediate left of H’s mother. Only one person sits between H’s mother and E.
• Only one person sits between H and G. G is the mother of C. G is not an immediate neighbor of E.

1. What is position of A with respect to his mother-in-law?

(a) Immediate left
(b) Third to the right
(c) Third to the left
(d) Second to the right
(e) Fourth to the left

2. Who amongst the following is D’s daughter?
(a) B
(b) C
(c) E
(d) G
(e) H

3. What is the position of A with respect to his grandchild?
(a) Immediate right
(b) Third to the right
(c) Third to the left
(d) Second to the left
(e) Fourth to the left

4. How many people sit between G and her uncle?
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four
(e) More than four

5. Four of the following five are alike in a certain was based on the given information and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
(a) F
(b) C
(c) E
(d) H
(e) G

6. Which of the following is true with respect to the given seating arrangement?
(a) C is the cousin of E
(b) H and H’s husband are immediate neighbours of each other
(c) No female is an immediate neighbour of C
(d) H sits third to left of her daughter
(e) B is the mother of H

7. Who sits to the immediate left of C?
(a) F’s grandmother
(b) G’s son
(c) D’s mother-in-law
(d) A
(e) G

Practice all 11 sets of advance level Sitting arrangement questions
Set 1 circular seating arrangement facing outside
Set 2 circular sitting arrangement reasoning tricks
Set 3 circular seating arrangement problems
Set 4 sitting arrangement reasoning bank po shortcuts
Set 5 circular arrangement reasoning tricks
Set 6 reasoning sitting arrangement tips
Set 7 Circular sitting arrangement shortcut tricks
Set 8 how to solve seating arrangement reasoning bank po
Set 9 circular seating arrangement problems with solutions
Set 10 Linear reasoning seating arrangement tricks
Set 11 Linear seating arrangement tricks

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